

A video labeling game

Spotvogel is a free online game where you type in words that belong to a fragment. The website of the Dutch nature tv show Vroege Vogels has an online archive, where over 600 different fragments can be found. Because there are so many fragments and the archive is still expanding, specific fragments can sometimes be quite difficult to find. As there are many naturalists active online (for example at the Vroege Vogels forum), viewers and nature lovers are invited to help get better descriptions of the archive in a fun and challenging way. The tags added by players can then be used as time-coded metadata to help make the archive better searchable.

The game was originally developed as Waisda? (with KRO). Later versions were made for NCRV Man bijt hond (Woordentikkertje) and VARA Vroege Vogels (Spotvogel).